After days and days of heavy rain springtime has come to Rome at last! città dove l'ocra, il rosso porpora, il bianco dei marmi delle facciate delle sue chiese si fondono in uno spettacolo per gli occhi, l'argentea trasparenza dell'acqua delle sue innumerevoli e imponenti fontane, i sapori delle sue pietanze, l'arte in ogni angolo delle sue strade, la storia nascosta in ogni sua pietra, gli intrighi e i segreti della Chiesa, le leggende che si confondono con gli avvenimenti del passato, i sogni degli innamorati che qui sono diventati realtà....tutto questo è ciò che la rende unica.....eterna
From the top of Spanish steps, in piazza Trinità dei Monti
Rome colours
Relaxing in the sun
Blurred rooves....Well, this is made on purpose...but...this is the way I see if I am not wearing my glasses!!
It's always nice to let one of the numerous painters here make a good portrait of yourself!
Reading while sitting in the sun at Spanish steps
Roses offered by sellers (usually indians!) but in this photo he got the wrong persons: the lady said "please don't...I'm allergic to flowers!!!"
Among his paintings of Rome
Skeptical lady
Piazza San Silvestro....statues taking the sun too!
Cheerful Vespa!
Piazza Navona. Ladies and paintings through the Four rivers' fountain...
....and Spanish nuns enjoying the eternal town!
Still at piazza Navona. Bare feet!
Police checking artists' permission to sell their paintings
Foreigners enjoying Rome at piazza Navona...
Same day....different clothing!!
Talking to this nice man, a University professor from Granada living in Rome
Roman pigeons!
Making friends....
One more portrait taking
At piazza del Pantheon. Centurions at work...
...and lazy driver waiting for customers in the sun
....waiting for customers hurry! Looks like everybody takes it easy in Rome!
Filling a bottle with fresh water, piazza di Spagna, la Barcaccia fountain
The colours of life...Red, the most emotionally intense colour...and Blue, often symbolizing sadness and loneliness...a portrait of myself...
Red wheels
Patient horse at piazza di Spagna!
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