Rome in August, when most of the locals are away on holidays, tourists enjoy the town and its atmosphere, its fountains, its light....
The water from this fountain, la Barcaccia, Piazza di Spagna (Spanish steps) is particularly fresh, really delicious in our tropical summer heat! it's the best water in town!! Everybody brings an empty water bottle to fill here when thirsty!
Children have fun drinking this water!
Just married couple, enjoying a romantic moment
....then walking around a little bit...
Another happy couple enjoying the town in August, at piazza Navona, at the Fountain of the Four Rivers
La Barcaccia Fountain at Spanish Square
.....always at La Barcaccia, resting a little bit
Portraying a young girl at Piazza Navona
Promenade through the august empty narrow streets.....
The accordion player from Lituania, always performing at Piazza Navona
Asking information at Pantheon
Checking pictures
Daniela espero que pases una felices vacaciones de verano y que disfrutes de la fotografia tan bien como las streets que nos muestras de la Piaza di Spanga